Monday, October 8, 2012

Bucket List

Everyone generally has a bucket list, things to do during their lifetime. I had a pretty substantial list, which I realize I might not get to, especially since I found out last week that my scan showed new spots in my lungs and bones. I've started to accept that, at stage IV, I will most likely not be cancer-free and will need chemo for life. I still save for my 401k and retirement accounts, but not so that I can live a comfortable life after retirement. I see the funds as something to leave for my family.

My bucket list has been drastically reduced. My most important item is to spend as much time as I can with my family and friends. Everything else is bonus.


  1. can i doodle some things in your bucket? i think troy can fit. :)

  2. Pick something and let's go do it = )
